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Klickitat County Treasurer's Office

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Payment Information & General Tax Questions

Question: Where can I mail my property tax payment?

Answer: To make a payment by mail, detach payment stub and mail to:

Klickitat County Treasurer

205 S Columbus, Room 201

Goldendale, WA 98620


Question: Where can I pay my property taxes in person?

Answer: The Klickitat County Treasurer’s Office, located at 205 S Columbus, Goldendale, WA. Our office is located upstairs and to the right, room 201.


Question: What are the payment deadlines and late payment penalties?

Answer: First half taxes must be paid or postmarked (US Postal Service or third party carrier such as FedEx or UPS postmark) by April 30 or the full year tax becomes delinquent May 1. Second half taxes must be paid or postmarked by October 31 or they become delinquent on Nov. 1. (RCW 84.56.020)


Question: Can senior and disabled property owners receive a property-tax deduction?

Answer: If your annual income does not exceed $35,000.00 and you own and reside in your home, including mobile homes, you may be entitled to a property tax reduction. You must be at least 61 year of age or, if under 61 years, retired because of a disability and unable to work. For details, contact the Assessor’s Office at (509) 773-3715.


Question: When does foreclosure begin, and what does it involve?

Answer: Real property with a tax that is three or more years delinquent is subject to foreclosure after October 31 of the third year being delinquent. To redeem the property after foreclosure proceedings begin, all years’ taxes, interest, penalties and administrative costs must be paid. For further information, please call (509) 773-4664. (RCW 84.64)


Question: What are personal property taxes?

Answer: Personal property taxes are assessed upon all business assets from Jan. 1 of the

prior year until they are paid. First half personal property tax payments are due on or before April 30. If not paid by April 30, the property becomes subject to Distraint (seizure) and sale as provided by RCW 84.56.070. Personal property tax payments made after April 30 require payment of the full current year amount plus interest and penalty.


Question: I want to protest the tax I owe. How can I do so?

Answer: If you believe this tax is unlawful or excessive and wish to preserve your right to seek a refund in court, you must, at the time you pay the tax, provide a separate written statement (1) stating that you are paying the tax or a portion thereof under protest, and (2) stating all of the reasons why you believe the tax paid under protest is unlawful or excessive. RCW 84.68.020 More information is available from the Department of Revenue, or the County Treasurer’s office.


Question: May I use my credit card to pay my taxes?

Answer: You may pay your property taxes using a third party vendor. You can call toll free to 1-833-440-3762. You will be prompted to enter the following information; parcel #, payment amount, credit card # and expiration # and wait for a receipt #. There is a fee associated with this service. Call our office to request more information. You can also go to Point and Pay to pay online.


Question: I have had some hardships lately. Can an extension be granted for more time to pay taxes?

Answer: All counties are governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Extensions cannot be granted due to hardship or any other extenuating circumstance.


Question: My mortgage company should pay my taxes. What shall I do?

Answer: It is always the responsibility of the taxpayer to ensure that taxes are paid in a timely manner. You may call (509) 773-4664 to be sure the taxes are current. If you have made arrangements with a mortgage company to pay taxes for you and if the mortgage company requests your tax information, we will send them the information.


Question: I just bought this property, but you have sent me a tax statement that includes several years past dues taxes. Isn’t the previous owner responsible for the delinquent taxes?


Answer: No, taxes follow the property, not the taxpayer. The county does not foreclose on people, only parcels. It is your responsibility to ascertain the condition of taxes before you purchase the property.


Question: Why are you just notifying me now that my taxes have been delinquent for several years?

Answer: Our office sends out a tax statement to the last known address of the taxpayer each February. The statement lists current and delinquent taxes owing. If you have not received a tax statement call the office at (509) 773-4664. It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to provide address change information.


Question: How do I change my mailing address on my statement?

Answer: An address change can be accomplished in person at 205 S Columbus Ave, Room 201, Goldendale, WA or by sending the information to Klickitat County Treasurer 205 S Columbus Ave, Room 201, Goldendale, WA 98620. Please include the following information: parcel number, name and address and new mailing name and address information.


Question: I applied for a senior citizen/disabled persons exemption but it is not reflected on my tax statement? What happened?

Answer: Please contact the Klickitat County Assessor’s Office at (509) 773-3715 or (800) 764-2235 to obtain information about your application.



Question: What is the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET)?

Answer: The sale of real property in Washington is generally subject to real estate excise tax. Washington DOR Unless otherwise specifically exempt from tax, all sales are subject to the excise tax. The taxes imposed are due at the time the sale occurs and are to be collected by the county treasurer upon presentation of the documents of sale for recording in the public records.


Question: Where can I get a Real Estate Tax form?

Answer: Forms can be found at REET Forms.


Question: What are the fees for processing the Real Estate Excise Tax form?

Answer: When real estate excise tax is EXEMPT, there is a $10.00 processing fee applied to the excise affidavit. If an exemption is claimed, you must provide the correct WAC Number and title located on question # 6 on the excise tax affidavit. If you are unable to locate the WAC number and title, please call the Klickitat County Treasurer at (509) 773-4664 or (800) 766-5403 for the correct WAC information.

When using WAC # 458-61A-201 (GIFTS), a completed supplemental form is required to be signed by both the Grantor and Grantee. The supplemental must be submitted with the Real Estate Tax Affidavit, and agents MAY NOT sign the supplemental. This form is located on the DOR website. REET Forms.